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Cape not included for this Superhero in a jar. 

Invaluable for cracked hands + feet, burns, scrapes, bug bites, psoriasis, eczema, diaper rash. Quickly and effectively gets your skin back in action because the mixture of herbs and cold pressed oils are the best for skin issues. I use it after surgeries to minimize scar tissue and get relief from the itchiness of healing skin. 

I have mailed dozens directly to customers on their vacations when they forgot to bring theirs, it’s that good on sunburn. Packaged in a 1.6 oz. amber glass jar.

Navigating a Cancer diagnosis and treatment is challenging, Super Skin Salve is here to help.

  1. Massage any surgical scars with Salve for 6+ months to minimize scar tissue, improve moment and healing. Please wait until after stitches or plastic tape is removed (typically 4-5 weeks) and your Oncologist has cleared surgical areas for massage. 
  2. Use liberally on radiation areas for gentle relief.

For peak performance, please use within 2 years of opening.

Ingredients: Coconut Oil*, Olive Oil Infused with Comfrey* and Calendula*, Vermont Beeswax, Shea* and Cocoa Butters, Essential Oils of Rosemary*, Tea Tree*, and Lavender*     *Organic